Gadget Cat From the Future

Item #: SCP-2112-J
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2112-J is currently unconfined and in the possession of a suburban Japanese family who reside in the [REDACTED] district. All attempts to capture SCP-XXXX-J have failed. The capturing and containing SCP-2112-J is a priority. Personnel attempting to capture SCP-2112-J are advised to prevent SCP-2112-J from reaching into the pouch on it's torso.
Description: SCP-2112-J Is an inorganic machine shaped like an anthropomorphic Domestic Shorthair cat. SCP-2112-J is blue and white in coloration with a red collar with a yellow bell fitted around the middle. SCP-2112-J has a pouch on its torso of which it contains several inventions that it uses to keep SCP personnel at bay. The addendum below contains a list of failed attempts at capturing SCP-2112-J.
Capture Attempt #1:
Several armed agents were sent to capture SCP-2112-J in it's home. The agents reported they saw SCP-2112-J see them through a window and that it proceeded to pull out a pink door from its pouch. SCP-2112-J quickly hurried through the door along with the Japanese family it resides with. The door disappeared and the house was found to be empty. Bugs were placed inside the home.
Capture Attempt #2:
Agents were informed by use of the bugs that SCP-2112-J was going to play in a local park with the young boy who lives in the household where it resides, name recorded as [DATA EXPUNGED]. Agents attempted to capture SCP-2112-J as it was playing in the local park with the boy. SCP-2112-J pulled a flashlight out of its pouch and proceeded to use it to shrink the agents. SCP-2112-J contacted the parents of the young boy and both flew away with 2 small helicopter blades on their heads., while enlarging the agents to their normal size as they flew away. House was searched again and was found empty.
Capture Attempt #3:
Agents were sent once again to the household while SCP-2112-J was alone. Agents communication was suddenly cut off. Backup that arrived found the agents turned into primitive Cro-Magnons, the communication they had on person turned into horns, and their weapons turned into spears.